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Mass Effect 3 Best Ending Solution


This page of IGN's Mass Effect 3 wiki guide details everything you need to know about the various endings of the game, including what they are, how they differ, and what is required for each of them and their variations. It will have a spoiler-free section at the beginning, as well as more in-depth sections where all spoilers are listed.

The exact mathematics behind the endings have not yet been determined in the Legendary Edition. As such, specific numbers are only given for the original launch version of the game and the Extended Cut DLC.


  • Spoiler-Free Zone
    • How Mass Effect 3's Endings Work (Spoiler-Free)
    • End Game Charts
  • Spoiler Zone
    • How Mass Effect 3's Endings Work
    • Every Ending Outcome

Spoiler-Free Zone

The various ending permutations are described below. While their requirements are revealed, their effects will be hidden. Click on hidden text to reveal them.

How Mass Effect 3's Endings Work (Spoiler-Free)

There are eight different endings for Mass Effect 3: three core choices (two of which have two variations and the other having three) and one alternative ending available only in the Extended Cut. Your options and their variations are influenced by three factors:

  • The big choice you made at the end of Mass Effect 2. If you started Mass Effect 3 fresh without using the Genesis 2 DLC comic, this will have been chosen for you.
  • The fate of a character in an earlier section of the game. Depending on their fate, certain EMS requirements for specific outcomes will be more difficult.
  • Your Effective Military Strength. This is the strength of Shepard's forces built up over the course of the game. It's the total strength of Shepard's War Assets with a penalty based on the Galactic Readiness Rating. The EMS required for a specific ending will be different if you're playing the original release, the original release with the Extended Cut DLC, or the Legendary Edition.
    • The Readiness Rating is at 50% by default, but in the original release it can be increased by playing the multiplayer, the Mass Effect Infiltrator iOS game, and either Mass Effect 3 Datapad or the N7 HQ website. If you're playing the Legendary Edition, this is locked at 100%.

To view multiple endings based on the "final choice," you will be allowed to restart the last stretch of the final level after watching an ending, but ONLY if you turned Autosave off after finishing your conversation with the Catalyst. However if your EMS has changed since then, you will need to restart from Priority: Cerberus Headquarters for the new values to take effect. See this post (warning: some spoilers) for more details.


End Game Charts

This section of the page lists two End Game Charts that show you the ending options and their results. Both will have the results hidden behind spoiler text if you don't want to know a specific outcome.

End Game Chart - Original Release (Spoilers Hidden)

This graph details your various ending options and their results if you play the original 2012 release of Mass Effect 3 WITHOUT the Extended Cut DLC. As such, this graph CANNOT APPLY to the Wii U Special Edition or the Legendary Edition, as they have the Extended Cut DLC pre-installed.

Effective Military Strength Destroy Control Synthesis
0 - 1749 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
1750 - 1999 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
2000 - 2349 Tap to Reveal
2350 - 2799 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
2800 - 3999 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
4000 - 4999 Tap to Reveal
5000+ Tap to Reveal

End Game Chart - Extended Cut (Spoilers Hidden)


The graph below details your various ending options and their results if you're playing the original 2012 release of the game WITH the Extended Cut DLC, including the Wii U Special Edition. This also broadly applies to the Legendary Edition, however the EMS values will be MUCH higher.

Effective Military Strength Destroy Control Synthesis
0 - 1749 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
1750 - 2649 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
2650 - 2799 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
2800 - 3099 Tap to Reveal Tap to Reveal
3100+ Tap to Reveal

Spoiler Zone

This section of the page is THE SPOILER ZONE. That means the gloves are off and we'll openly detail everything about the endings, how to influence them, and what the variations can be.

How Mass Effect 3's Endings Work

There are a total of eight different endings to Mass Effect 3. These include the Destroy ending with three variations, the Control and Synthesis endings with two variations, and the hidden Refuse ending. They are influenced by three factors: your Effective Military Strength, your Collector Base Choice, and the fate of Admiral Anderson. All three are detailed below.

Effective Military Strength


The primary factor that influences the various endings is your Effective Military Strength, which is the final output of the Galaxy at War mechanic. Here's how that works.

Over the course of the game, Shepard will have picked up War Assets, which consist of various people, ships, technologies and resources. Every one of these will have a strength rating, many of which can be raised or lowered by Shepard's actions elsewhere. These numbered are added up to a Total Military Strength.

The Total Military Strength is affected by the Galactic Readiness, which is how prepared Shepard's forces are to make the final assault: in the original release it's at 50% by default. Galactic Readiness could be raised by playing the Multiplayer mode, playing Mass Effect Infiltrator, using the Mass Effect 3 Datapad iOS app, or using the N7 HQ site. As of 2021, only the Multiplayer Mode and N7 HQ can still be used.

The Galactic Readiness would then decide the final Effective Military Strength value. For example, if your Total Military Strength is 400, but your Galactic Readiness is 50%, then your Effective Military Strength would be 200 (50% of 400 is 200). Your total EMS in particular will determine the state of the Crucible when it docks with the Citadel, and thus what options are available to Shepard and how damaging its effects may or may not be.

Low EMS - Collector Base Choice

The second factor is your choice at the Collector Base back in Mass Effect 2, although this is only relevant if you have a very low amount of EMS. If you're playing the original release (Extended Cut or not), this will be below 1750 EMS. Here's what your options will be:

  • If you chose to Destroy the Collector Base and have less than 1750 EMS, your only option will be Destroy. If you started Mass Effect 3 fresh without using the Genesis 2 DLC comic, this will be the option chosen for you. You can tell because you'll have passed through the Reaper Human Heart in Cerberus Headquarters.
  • If you chose to Spare the Collector Base and have less than 1750 EMS, your only option will be Control. You can tell because you'll have passed through the Reaper Human Brain in the Cerberus Headquarters.
  • If you have 1750 EMS or more, you'll have both options unlocked, and so your Collector Base choice won't matter.


High EMS - Admiral Anderson's Fate

The third factor is the fate of Admiral Anderson in your recent confrontation with The Illusive Man. If you pick the Destroy Ending, then having a very high EMS rating will have Shepard live through the firing of the Crucible. However if Admiral Anderson was executed personally by the Illusive Man, you will need an even higher EMS rating in order for Shepard to live.

It's worth clarifying that Anderson will ALWAYS die by the end of this scene, thanks to the Illusive Man forcing Shepard to shoot him in the gut. That DOES NOT void this scenario because that will always happen. Instead, there can be a situation where the Illusive Man will shove Anderson to the ground to execute him by shooting him in the head (shown in the picture above). THAT is the situation we're describing here.

  • If the Illusive Man pushes Anderson to the ground and you then ignore the Renegade Interrupt to shoot him, Anderson will be executed. As a result, you'll need to have 3100 EMS or more in order for Shepard to live through the Destroy Ending (5000+ EMS without the Extended Cut).
  • If you shoot the Illusive Man with the Renegade Interrupt, or avoid him preparing to execute Anderson to begin with, then you'll only need 2800 EMS or more for Shepard to live through the Destroy Ending (4000+ without the Extended Cut).
  • If you pick either the Control or Synthesis Endings, Shepard will never live through the firing of the Crucible no matter what you do beforehand.

Every Ending Outcome

This section of the guide will explain every single ending outcome, including the hidden fourth ending, and how they change depending on your EMS total.

The videos for each section below only depict the most positive ending outcomes as shown in the Extended Cut DLC. As such, you results will vary if you're playing the original 2012 release of the game without the Extended Cut.


Destroy Ending Explanation

The Destroy Ending is considered the first option. This ending is chosen by taking the right-hand path and then manually shooting the Power Conduit with your pistol four times.

For most players it will be available alongside the Control Ending. However if your EMS is below 1750, then to have it as your only option, you must have chosen to destroy the Collector Base in Mass Effect 2 or the Genesis 2 DLC Comic (or by starting Mass Effect 3 completely fresh without using the comic).

Here's what will happen no matter what your EMS rating is:

  • The Crucible Wave will destroy all synthetic life forms, including the Reapers, the Geth (if they survived Priority: Rannoch) and EDI.
  • The Citadel and Mass Relays will always suffer massive damage with this ending.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Epilogue will be narrated by Admiral Hackett.

Here's what will happen only if you have a high or very high EMS rating:

  • The Normandy will not suffer much damage, allowing Joker and your two most-favoured Squad Mates to exit the ship.
  • In the Extended Cut, Admiral Hackett's epilogue will be the most optimistic.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Normandy will be shown taking off into the skies.
  • Shepard will be shown taking a breath in one final shot. If Anderson was executed by the Illusive Man, this will requires a very high EMS rating.


Here's what happens only if you have a moderate or low EMS rating:

  • The Earth's buildings will suffer damage to the Crucible Wave, but its people will survive.
  • The Normandy will suffer some damage, however Joker and your two most-favoured Squad Mates can still exit the ship.
  • In the Extended Cut, Admiral Hackett's epilogue will be grim, but hopeful.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Normandy will be shown undergoing repairs.

Here's what happens if you have a high or very high EMS rating:

  • Everyone on Earth is killed by the Crucuble Wave.
  • The Normandy will suffer heavy damage, to the point that its doors won't open, trapping everyone inside to their deaths.
  • In the Extended Cut, Admiral Hackett's epilogue will be short and especially grim.
  • Since the Normandy suffered heavy damage and trapped the crew inside, there is no epilogue scene of the Normandy, even in the Extended Cut.

Control Ending Explained

The Control Ending is the second ending of the game. This ending is chosen by taking the left-hand path and approaching the two electric handles: the scene will play out automatically once you get close to them.

For most players will will be available alongside the Destroy option. However if your EMS is below 1750, then to have it as your only option you must have chosen to spare the Collector Base in either Mass Effect 2 or the Genesis 2 DLC Comic.


Here's what will happen no matter what your EMS rating is:

  • The Crucible Wave will put the Reapers under the control of Commander Shepard, who replaces the Catalyst AI as the director of the Reapers.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Epilogue will be narrated by the new Shepard AI. Their tone in the epilogue will be different if you were Paragon, Renegade or a mix of the two.
  • Outside of becoming the new Reaper AI, Shepard will never survive this ending.

Here's what will happen only if you have a moderate, high or very high EMS rating:

  • The Normandy will not suffer much damage, allowing Joker and your two most-favoured Squad Mates to exit the ship.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Normandy will be shown taking off into the skies.

Here's what happens only if you have a low EMS rating:

  • The Earth's buildings will suffer damage to the Crucible Wave, but its people will survive.
  • The Normandy will suffer some damage, however Joker and your two most-favoured Squad Mates can still exit the ship.
  • In the Extended Cut, Admiral Hackett's epilogue will be grim, but hopeful.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Normandy will be shown undergoing repairs.

Lastly, here's what happens if you have a very low EMS rating:

  • The Earth suffers massive damage to the Crucible Wave, however its people remain unharmed.
  • The Normandy will suffer heavy damage, to the point that its doors won't open, trapping everyone inside to their deaths.


Synthesis Ending Explained

The Synthesis Ending is the third option, and is only unlocked by having 2800 EMS. You choose it by walking Shepard up to the white beam coming from the Crucible that's between the other two options. With such a high EMS rating, the main upshot of the Synthesis ending is that you are guaranteed to have no negative effects on the galaxy compared to other ending variations.

  • All organics and synthetics have their core matter changed into a fusion between both. As a result, the Reapers cease their slaughter, and in fact become new allies who extend their millenia of knowledge to the galaxy.
  • Earth and its people are not destroyed by the Crucible wave.
  • In the Extended Cut, the Citadel and the Mass Relays are damaged, but remain in-tact.
  • The Normandy Crew survives. In the crash site scene, Joker and EDI will exit the ship, alongside your most-favoured Squad Mate.
  • In the Extended Cut, the epiloque sequence is narrated by EDI, and the Normandy is always able to depart the crash site.

Refusal Ending Explained

The Refusal Ending is unique as it's the only ending that is abjectly hidden. Furthermore, it can only be accessed if you have the Extended Cut DLC (this means it's also available in the Wii U Special Edition and the Legendary Edition).

There are two ways to trigger this ending:


  • While talking with the Catalyst, after it has presented you with all your ending options, pick "I reject these choices!" and then "You are wrong". Here, Shepard will tell the Catalyst that they fight for the right to choose their own fate in the face of the Reapers, and the Catalyst will shut down as Shepard's forces are destroyed.
  • If you don't do the above, you can still trigger this ending after talking to the Catalyst by shooting at them with your pistol. This will then cut directly past Shepard explaining their reasoning.

No matter which option you picked, you'll then see a scene of Liara's time capsule device explaining the Reapers and the Catalyst. As well, the Stargazer scene at the end will differ, with a female figure talking about the next cycle's victory against the Reapers rather than the elderly man.

Post-Credits Scene

You can watch the credits or skip them to see this final scene no matter what ending you get. This scene will always be the same, except if you choose the Refusal Ending as described above.

Mass Effect 3 Best Ending Solution
