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Facebook How to Like a Page as a Page

Do you want to know how to like a Facebook Page from your business Page?

How about commenting on other Page's posts as your business?

Before I explain how you do both of these things, I'll explain why you might want to do them in the first place!

Social media is all about building relationships and engagement and… well, being 'social'.

Being social implies an interaction with others, rather than simply broadcasting your messages in the hope that they resonate with your audience.

It's about having two way communications rather than a one way monologue.

If you have a B2B business, one of the most efficient ways of doing this on Facebook is to Like other business pages as your Business. The Pages Feed (see below) on your Facebook Business Page will display recent updates from all the pages that you are following, making it easy to see and engage with posts from pages that you want to pro-actively build a relationship with.

This will be a huge time saver for you, because the alternative is to visit pages individually to comment on posts. And let's face it, you ain't got the time for that!!

Okay, so now you know why you should Like other business pages, here's how it's done!

How To Like a Facebook Page from Your Business Page

Log onto your Facebook business page and click on the 'See Pages Feed' hyperlink, which you will find in a box on the right hand side of the screen. This will take you to your Pages Feed page where you will be able to see posts from any page you are already following.

Note: You can also go directly to your Pages Feed by typing the Facebook URL for your business page, then pasting '/pages_feed/' at the end:

example:[insert business name]/pages_feed/

At the top of your Pages Feed you will see a green 'Like Other Pages' button. Clicking on the button will then bring up a search box where you can type in the name of any Facebook page. Once the page that you want to Like appears, just click on it and then 'Save'.

The page will then be visible in the left hand margin. If you have already Liked a lot of pages as your Page, you would need to click on the little arrow next to 'Pages Liked by This Page' at the top of that column.

Another way to do it is to simply visit the Facebook page of any business you would like to follow as your Page, and then click on the button with three dots, just below the Cover Image (next to the 'Share' button) and choose 'Like as Your Page'. If you are using a mobile device for this, you need to use thePages Manager App, not the Facebook app.

A box will then appear allowing you to select which business Page you would like to follow the page from.

If you ever want to Unlike a page you have been following as your business page, you can either find it within the Pages Feed page, left hand margin, then click on the name of the page to be taken to their Facebook Page, or go directly to the page you want to Unlike and from there, click on the button with three dots, just below the Cover Image and choose 'Unlike as Your Page'.

Want more tips like these? Click here to join 'The Social Media Dojo' Facebook Group. It's a great place to ask questions, share experiences and get support from our community of social media ninjas. Oh, and did I mention that it's free? 🙂

How to Comment on Another Page's Posts as your Business

There are two ways to comment on another business page's posts as your business. The first way is from your Pages Feed (see above). Click on the 'Comment' link at the bottom of the post you want and it should automatically default to commenting as your Page rather than as 'you' as a person.

You can double check before you publish your comment by seeing what profile pic is displayed next to the comment you are writing.

If you are posting as your business, you should see the same profile pic that you use on your business page.

If you see anything different, click on the little down arrow to the far right of the different posting options on the post 'Like, Comment, Share' and select your business Page.

The second way of doing this is by visiting the Facebook Page that you want to comment on from your Personal Profile, find the post you want to comment on. Click on the 'Comment' link then look for the down arrow at the bottom right of the post.

This will let you search for the name of your business page, which you can select and the icon that appears next to the comments editor should be your business page Profile Pic.


Engaging with other businesses on Facebook is important if you want to increase your visibility and establish mutually beneficial relationships with potential customers and referral partners.

Of course this does take time; that's why a lot of businesses don't do it, but if you invest the time to strategically engage with specifically identified business pages using the Pages Feed tool, you will reap the rewards.

If you would like more information about finding your ideal clients on Facebook, call Chat Marketing on 0131 6189898.

Alan Martin is a social media speaker and coach with Chat Marketing.

Having worked with clients from various industries, we've learned that sometimes you need to think outside of the box to find the most effective traffic generating strategies.

Do you want to find out how we can help you use Facebook to market your business? Contact us here to arrange a chat (no pun intended!!).

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