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Try Again With a Valid Email Address Chrome

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The all-time way is to update your system and run latest version of browser.

I suggest to contact to that website and enquire admin, in that location might be problem with website.

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I have the same result with one of my email addresses - websites won't recognize it equally a valid email address - there must be a setting somewhere that needs to be ticked or unticked? Any ideas?

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it has been occurring to me lately, doesn't matter what site or which email I use and I have three, I always get invalid e-mail accost. has to exist with the iPad. I even added chrome and notwithstanding the same trouble

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websites would have validation which cheque electronic mail address with the following format <Name>@<Domain>.<Domain Extension> . Some websites will only recognize emails which volition be ended by .com , .org , .gov ,etc. and they won't recognize electronic mail in format of or . In this example you should notify they website owner.

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My electronic mail addresses are @gmail @yahoo and @overlook so I'm confused

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I was on a website registering a rifle and through my iPad it said invalid email, through my android phone information technology told me my null code was incorrect. This is the third different website and information technology doesn't seem similar a coincidence

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On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 20:41:11 +0000, Gjones951 wrote:

My email addresses are @gmail @yahoo and @overlook so I'k confused

None of those are possible. They are *** Email address is removed for privacy *** (where the xxxxx
is what identifies you) etc.

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP since October 2003

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I was on a website registering a rifle and through my iPad it said invalid email, through my android telephone information technology told me my zip code was wrong. This is the 3rd different website and it doesn't seem similar a coincidence

And so it is a problem with the website and you should contact the website owner.

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When i become to a web site and try to annals with them for whatever reason, of course they ask for  my email address,  when I put it in they immediately come backred highlighted that I didn't

enter a right electronic mail address, this happens consistently.  I just tried to download a security enchancement from msn and it fifty-fifty happen with msn.

how do i correct this  trouble and it stays corrected?

unable to open up due east-mail for my address

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I receive and send emails but when I effort to purchase on line it says invalid email

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