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How to Open a Bedroom Door With a Credit Card

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wow, have you been find How to open a door with Credit Card? if yes, you're in right place.

What is a Credit card key?

With my own understanding credit card is an electronic device used to unlock the door instead padlock key.

door lock ridwanblog !

In this 21century this key is the most used padlock in the most expensive places for security purposes.

How to Use Credit Card Unlock Door

credit card that we can use to unlock is categorized in Two ways for my understanding (1) card padlock (2) Atm Credit card .

  • Card Padlock – can be used in various places like hotels, houses, firms, etc.

This is the example of a card padlock which is a modern way to secure our home this credit card padlock is configured with system. and this type of card you have to keep away from the cell phone or else the card won't work next time you want to use it unless you reactivate it . And it is very difficult for a person to forget it inside the room while going out because it may be hard to get rid of.

Now that we have explained the type of padlock we have for credit cards now let jump to how to unlock your door with a credit card while you forget your keys.

Examples for the padlock that credit cards can unlock


Okay now, let get into today's tutorial and mind you because you're here to learn so you don't need to rush okay put your mind at rest because I will teach you every trick that you can use to use your credit card to unlock any this kind of a door.

I know it is not easy to forget a key or lose the key to an unknown place or at work or your girlfriend/boyfriend's place , but today I give you all the logic to do so with two simple steps.

Step one and Step two
  • First of All, you can use your plastic Identity card or your credit card.
  • Find a way to your kitchen to get a knife or flat spoon.

Now that you have gotten your identity card ready or your credit card because going to use the same format for the process. pull out your Card either one of the two now inserts it into the space of your door like shown above with the image.

You will now hold your door Handle very well in other to protect your Cards as well for being damaged while using it, make sure you hold it very well and pull back the door, and besides you will have to be scroll up and down while doing this process. So with this little trick, I'm assured that your issue will be solved.

Second Major Option While Card isn't Work

hope you're all enjoying this today tutorial on how to unlock your door with a credit card or card, Now let move to the next stage which is how to use a knife as an alternative process which is very faster than credit cards or cards.

You will do the same process that you do with a credit card and you will have to get your knife ready and you will have to hold it gently another not to destroy your door because not every door is quality that's why I'm saying that you have to hold it gently. So while doing that you will now scroll up and down like you do the other time and mind you there's one sensor inside the key which is the one that holds your door together.

When the knife has some chance to penetrate the space believe me is boom your door is unlocked successfully try that now and drop your comment if you don't understand. that's what I have for you guys today on how to unlock your door with a credit card .


This is just a guide for you when you are stranded over your carelessness and you lost your key I hope this guide is meet what you expected, well I will just advise you to call any blacksmith around you or any padlock sell in other to save more of your time. please don't miss using this information in other to harm your relative's thanks.

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How to Open a Bedroom Door With a Credit Card
